In recent months, many things have happened in life. More recording with Seven Years Absence, grading and other teacher stuff, making guitar effects pedals from scratch, rewiring and insulating my electric guitar, riding my bike, and writing. In the midst of all of this mayhem, our family is gaining another member. Zoe is going to have a sibling.
Sasha (Zoe's mom: the Black schnauzer) got impregnated and gave birth. She was enormous. Her water broke and she went into labor. 4 hours into the labor, no puppies had been born yet and she was rushed to the Vet. They x-rayed and found there were four puppies.

The darker puppy is the female and the pink nosed one is the male. Both are so cute and lovable. They are about the length of a person's hand and the diameter of a Costco hot dog. We have our choice of either or both dogs. The decision isn't made yet. Leave me a note to help us decide. We are also interested in doggy names if you have one to offer.

SO, until I write again (2012????). Blessings and Happy Holidays. May your Holiday season be filled with all those things that make our hearts warm and our bank accounts empty.
Congrats on the new puppies! I hope you keep them both. I have no ideas on names, I think that's why we don't have pets yet... We're still in the 'plant phase'. Anyway, happy holidays to you two!
Man, two more dogs? Sounds like a handful. I recommend keeping one. Which one? I do not know.
As far as naming, I can totally help you there: "Sheryl."
I would totally vote for one. Only because I think if you got two puppies that your older dog might get left out. But with just one they are forced to become friends. But who knows.
hey janke
haven't talked to you in awhile. you probably won't get this for a long time anyway since you haven't posted since december. Those puppises are adorable. I'd only keep one and maybe name it 'Mya' but I don't know actually. Well hope you and heather are doing great. I miss you people at good ol' UCA
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